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T&V Prayer Melodies 

Shabbat Prayer Melodies at Saturday morning services

While the content below was developed to coincide with the curriculum for our Learners' Minyan, we hope this page will serve as a resource for anyone who may want to learn some of our prayer melodies. We invite you to visit this page again, as eventually we may add more melodies. THANK YOU!

Siddur pages are from the Transliterated Siddur created by Hazzan Sarah Alexander. Click here for title page and dedication.


Shema & V’Ahavta




 Mi Chamocha, Shirah Chadasha  & Tzur Yisrael




First paragraph: Avot w. Imahot piyut



Second paragraph:  M’chalkeyl Chayim

Musaf melody:


Shaharit/morning service melody:


Last paragraph: Sim Shalom




Melody #2




Melody#4 (Shaharit/morning service, the phrase beginning with "Torat Chayim")



Kedushah responses for Shaharit 



Kedushah. Musaf



Eloheinu R’tzei



Melody #2






Melody #2












Service for taking out the Torah 



Service for returning the Torah to the Ark



Aliyah blessings



Aleynu & V'ne'emar



Ein Keloheinu



Adon Olam


Psalm 150 





Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785